
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bored moment.!!!!!

How hard is copy and paste!!! too bored and have nothing too do!!!!
some idiot football player!!! Keep so called insured his hair for 1 million!!!! (Troy Polamalu's)! Troy the Tunder God!! =D

How the hell he play football with that funky hair>>..!!!
and that so call hair been insured USD1million

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How young generation will change the workplace !

Oooo~ how hard too copy and paste... =D

There’s no doubt that young generation which we called generation Y will fundamentally change the corporate sector globally. Managing the upcoming generation (generation y) is the hot topic among consultants, Human Resource executives and talent management professionals.
We have a voice, and we have the ear of the decision makers. Not bad for a group of lazy, entitled, twenty somethings. We’ve learned the importance of balancing work and life from our overworked parents, and we’ve watched our older siblings and cousins struggle with their baby boomer bosses who refuse to retire. Now we’re primed to change the workplace for the better. Here’s how they will do it.

The new generation Y at workplace will have a voice, and the ear of the decision makers. Not bad for a group of lazy, entitled, twenty somethings. They have learned the importance of balancing work and life from our overworked parents, and they have watched their older siblings and cousins struggle with their baby boomer bosses who refuse to retire. Now they are primed to change the workplace for the better.

1-Now there will only Productive meetings

Time has changed when people wasted their hours in unproductive meetings and gained nothing, the next generation will bring the proper schedule with them, the meetings will only consists of the productive activities and last for 30-60 minutes at their max.

2-Flexible Working Hour

9:00-5:00 was the traditional working hours, now the time schedule will be change, people will not come to show that they are present, the working schedule will be flexible, people at their seats will be only avail when they are supposed to work, in their free time, they are not going to stay in the office. this will not only save a lot of workplace resources but also bring a custom of responsibility in the employees.

3- Administrative Support

The up coming generation will not going to perform the clerical jobs for them selves, the manager or even assistant manager will go for assisting staff, the time in non productive activities will not be consumed. Only critical thinking and the activities like decision making can be made by the managers.

4-Do or Die

People will believe in doing of their jobs, if they are unable to perform what they really supposed to do, they will go for quiting the job. The concept of retainment of the employee will again faded away. you work and you will get pay, you don't work, you will be get fired.

5-Compensation Packages

Remuneration packages will also change, people will go for the best of their compensation. organization will pay the employees higher for their duties in order to retaining the employees for longer period. salaries will be highly competitive, new generation needs to be pay more in order to get recruited. This financial crunch will not lasting for ever.

6-Performance Based Measures

Emotions and other parameters will soon comes to an end, there will be only performance, a sole criteria for a job. Measures on the based of performance will get sticker and sticker, the employers expectations will exceed hundred folds more than the present.

7- Future of HR personnel

HR personnel would be the highly honored individual of the organization as the employer would realize the strength of the human capital and in order to gain momentum in the workforce HR department will supposed to be work harder.

'Generation Debt' is going deep into the red!!!!

copy and pasted! how hard was that...

Zoe Paul has made drastic changes to her former lifestyle. As a Web designer in San Francisco during the heady dot-com era, she started her mornings at Starbucks, bought her coworkers drinks during happy hour, and ate out nearly every night.

Now 30, Paul works without benefits for a small ad agency in the Bay Area and worries daily about being laid off. To help pay off $10,000 in credit card debt, she routinely empties coins into a jar by her bed. When furnishing her living room, a trip to a furniture store was not an option; instead, she bought a tweed sofa bed from a thrift shop for $67. She packs lunch every day. Cable is gone, so is Internet access.

The most painful trim: Abandoning her daily Starbucks run. “That’s a thing of the past. Now it’s a treat,” she said.

Serves her right, you think? Many twenty- and thirtysomethings raised on MTV and InStyle magazine have tried to mimic the glamorous lives of the rich and famous through the use of credit cards. But as the 21st century has ushered in skyrocketing housing prices, stagnant income levels and five- or six-figure student loans to pay off — a seismic shift has occurred: A growing number of young adults are reassessing their lifestyles and mimicking the frugal habits of their Depression-era grandparents.

They clip coupons, organize grocery-shopping trips to Sam's Club instead of darting to Whole Foods and now consider a $4 cappuccino as an infrequent luxury.

“Life just seems more expensive these days,” said Paul. “When I was growing up, I didn't know a lot about handling money or being frugal. Now I'm learning.''

High housing costs
With the median home price rising by 26 percent in the past five years — while young adults' income has gone up less than 10 percent — people in their twenties are playing an endless game of catch-up. Buying a home isn't even in the cards since prices in many urban areas where young people go to start their careers have more than doubled.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

face problem!

Deng! i wanted to update my uniSA blog and i waited so long my blog post haven load... SO CALLED FACE PROBLEM!!! and when i ask for help the page was load.. lol!

face problem!!! struggle!!! which topic!!! Young Generation Struggle in Financial or Depression which one to choose....
which 1.. depression was taken by classmate .. i wanted to be special so that my topic are fresh .... its dangerous!!!

We touch i feel like rush, we crutch it isn't much..But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us!!! it's lust, it's must, be a sorcerer..cuz u just, did the impossible, gain my trust, don play can be dangerous..

WHICH ONE... @...@'

Sunday, August 15, 2010

err... current issues!

This is week two since I started my intake at Taylors. I found out that I have few heavy subjects that I have to cook in these courses. I notice that my brain are not working properly, I was trying and trying to click out idea from my brain. I was cracking for few days. Idea still did not pop out like I expected, I keep cracking and cracking and I trying to force out idea. Things keep pop out.. such as gamble addiction, online addiction, pre marriage sex, global warning, global financial crisis, celebrity role model, corruption, sex orientation, poverty, alcohol & drugs abuse and things like that’s . I keep do few mind maps. Idea was all around me and I cannot do any decision which idea should I choose. Mind maps are all around me and I try to pick one. I been so picky because I wanted be different from others students. There are so many students taking this subject I worry my work will not able to be interested like others……

Why I choose Depression? I feel that by doing this will make my life easy? I believe that everyone been thru this. It’s just another topic that most people will do. I have look thru some clip and I notice that a lot teenagers show depression mostly on sadness and most likely involve in love story. Very people did not notice by cannot complete assignment can lead to depression like what I am trying to do now…

still thinking what to write... 1500... word to go! idea where are u!
Why I choose depression?
By doing what can lead the topic interesting?
What I can show people by doing this topic?
How I am going to this?
How people react to depression?
By doing what we can get out from depression?
Normally what type of mood we can say we fall for depression?
Depression basically brings us to sad mood?